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Beyond the Mosaic 


The mosaic on the parvis visibly changed the appearance of the Church of the Holy Spirit in Indicatore. Millions of colorful tiles infused the building and its surroundings with warmth making the church more welcoming.


In 2013 the Cultural Association Ezekiel expanded its focus to social activities and began offering artistic-cultural activities and laboratories open to everybody.


Four years after the mosaic began, it became possible to envision a project wider than the original concept of upgrading the building. A new project took shape: an inclusive space designed to welcome everybody. 


The new development plan includes: 


- expanding the mosaic in the parvis to the entire square facing the church, covering a surface of 32,300 sq ft, with benches, sculpture-trees and an amphitheater capable of hosting significant numbers of people; 


- the construction of a lateral bell tower to provide a birds eye view of the mosaic; 


- the realization of a sculpture-park dedicated to people with disabilities that will include sensory paths utilizing color therapy, music therapy and aroma therapy;


- a park with educational games teaching math and reading to kids, self-managed and with a space for after school activities; 


- the construction of a multi-functional center for the arts (music, theater, photography, applied arts, etc.) which will include exhibition spaces and laboratories;


- a community orchard and vegetable garden.


These ideas are visible in a rendering (see).


The project becomes bigger


In July 2013, a new campaign is begun. This campaign encourages artists to donate their time to the site with the goal of making the project proceed at a faster pace. In two and a half years, the campaign has collected hundreds of donations and added 1600 sq ft of mosaic. 108 ft of the Dragon Amphitheater have been completed together with 18 mosaic sculptures for the park.


After six years and a half years, the mosaic has received 300 donations from artists and more than a 1000 donations from volunteers. The mosaic covers a surface of 9700 sq ft and 30 mosaic sculptures have been installed.


In the little-known village of Indicatore have arrived people from Spain, Germany, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Austria, Canada, United States, Brazil, Argentina, Guatemala, Chile, Turkey, Iran, China, Japan, Israel and Italy. Mosaic associations with international reputations have contributed donations, such as the DOMO (Germany) and the Paulista Mosaic (Brasil).

The donations of time

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