Become a friend of the mosaic!
Become an active member of our community, supporting our activities and introducing our reality to others. We would have never arrived where we are today without our friends.
How to become a friend of the mosaic.
Read about the benefits associated with each level of friendship; pick the one that suits you best. Decide how you'd prefer to make your donation: visiting us in Indicatore, with a bank transfer or with PayPal. Please contact us for any further questions.
Benefits of the annual friendship
Renewing your friendship to the mosaic every year, you become part of a large and vital community. Plus, your commitment to support us comes with unique benefits. Choose the level of support that works for you!
Levels of friendship
Your Association membership lasts from Jan1 to Dec31 of every year.
All benefits must be used during the current membership year.
Please contact us in advance to schedule guided tours and classes.
Levels of friendship for all
Friend Level I
EU 20
1 guided tour of the mosaic;
six-monthly newsletter;
invitation to all events organized by the Association;
10% discount on our artistic artefacts;
10% discount on classes and workshops offered by the Association.
Friend Young (up to 30 years)
EU 10
1 guided tour of the mosaic;
six-monthly newsletter;
invitation to all events organized by the Association;
10% discount on our artistic artefacts;
10% discount on classes and workshops offered by the Association ;
Friend Level II & Dual Friendship (couples and couples with kids)
EU 40
1 shopper;
1 guided tour of the mosaic;
six-monthly newsletter;
invitation to all events organized by the Association;
20% discount on our artistic artefacts;
20% discount on classes and workshops offered by the Association ;
50% discount on 7-hour mosaic creation experience with lunch (value on AIRBNB of 150 euros, to be used personally or as a gift);
Friend Supporter
EU 150
1 jewel of your choice and 1 shopper;
1 guided tour of the mosaic;
six-monthly newsletter;
invitation to all events organized by the Association;
20% discount on our artistic artefacts;
20% discount on classes and workshops offered by the Association ;
1 7-hour mosaic creation experience with lunch (value on AIRBNB of 150 euros, to be used personally or as a gift);
tile on the donor wall;
Levels of friendship for enterprises
Friendship Business Small
EU 350
1 item of the shop's choice and 1 shopper;
guided tours of the mosaic;
six-monthly newsletter;
invitation to all events organized by the Association;
20% discount on our artistic artefacts;
20% discount on classes and workshops offered by the Association also for employees;
2 mosaic creation experiences of 7 hours with lunch (value on AIRBNB of 150 euros, to be used personally or as a gift to friends / customers, to be offered to employees as team building opportunities);
tile with first name company on the donor wall;
Large Company Friendship
700 €
1 item of the shop's choice and 2 shoppers;
guided tours of the mosaic;
six-monthly newsletter;
invitation to all events organized by the Association;
20% discount on our artistic artefacts;
20% discount on classes and workshops offered by the Association also for employees ;
4 7-hour mosaic creation experiences with lunch (value on AIRBNB of 150 euros, to be used personally or as a gift to friends / customers, to be offered to employees as team building opportunities);
tile with name company on the donor wall.
Help us to build the future
we're dreaming of.
In a mosaic every piece counts.
Associazione Culturale Ezechiele
Banca BPER
Iban IT59T0538714108000042136414